Salaris Customer Service | 2024 Update (2025)

Onze salarisdata voor customer service is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 06-01-2022. Op 06-01-2022 was het gemiddelde salaris voor een customer service € 2.525. De data op is door data-analisten samengesteld vanuit miljoenen vacatures gecombineerd met eigen data.

De hoogst gemeten jaarsalarissen voor customer service liggen op € 41.000 en de laagste op € 22.000. De meest voorkomende salarissen voor customer service liggen tussen de € 27.000 (25%) en € 34.000 (75%) per jaar.

Omgerekend naar maandsalarissen, is dit maximaal € 3.433 en minimaal € 1.800 met de meest voorkomende maandsalarissen voor customer service tussen € 2.253 en € 2.850 per maand of € 13 en € 16 per uur.

De hoogte van wat je kunt verdienen is afhankelijk van diverse factoren. Welke diploma’s of certificaten heb je op zak? Hoe lang doe je dit werk al? Wat is je leeftijd? Wat zegt de CAO voor jouw branche? Is jouw rol aansturend of uitvoerend? Met onze salaris calculator bereken je wat jij zou kunnen verdienen als customer service.

Hoogste salaris voor customer service op regio’s en steden

We zien grote verschillen in de salarissen voor customer service op basis van de regio’s en steden. Hieronder worden de salarissen voor customer service vergeleken:

Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland, Zuid-Holland

Drenthe – gemiddeld salaris € 2.307

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Drenthe zijn:

  1. Een € 2.590 per maand.
  2. Eelde € 2.447 per maand.
  3. Gieten € 2.426 per maand.
  4. Vries € 2.416 per maand.
  5. Veenoord € 2.372 per maand.
  6. Aalden € 2.324 per maand.
  7. Klazienaveen € 2.258 per maand.
  8. Dalen € 2.155 per maand.
  9. Beilen € 2.133 per maand.
  10. Venlo € 1.950 per maand.

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Flevoland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.250

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Flevoland zijn:

  1. Lelystad € 2.500 per maand.
  2. Marknesse € 2.426 per maand.
  3. Urk € 2.347 per maand.
  4. Zeewolde € 2.213 per maand.
  5. Biddinghuizen € 2.122 per maand.
  6. Luttelgeest € 2.057 per maand.
  7. Ens € 2.037 per maand.
  8. Dronten € 2.015 per maand.
  9. Almere € 2.000 per maand.
  10. Almere-Haven € 1.971 per maand.

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Friesland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.210

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Friesland zijn:

  1. Vlieland € 2.706 per maand.
  2. Hollum € 2.571 per maand.
  3. Akkrum € 2.488 per maand.
  4. Jirnsum € 2.473 per maand.
  5. Appelscha € 2.447 per maand.
  6. Ijlst € 2.436 per maand.
  7. Balk € 2.415 per maand.
  8. Drachten € 2.275 per maand.
  9. Enschede € 2.253 per maand.
  10. Venlo € 1.950 per maand.

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Gelderland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.559

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Gelderland zijn:

  1. Wilp € 3.145 per maand.
  2. Elst € 2.903 per maand.
  3. Heukelum € 2.814 per maand.
  4. Zutphen € 2.800 per maand.
  5. Ruurlo € 2.756 per maand.
  6. Heelsum € 2.743 per maand.
  7. Lent € 2.741 per maand.
  8. Zaltbommel € 2.400 per maand.
  9. Nijmegen € 2.400 per maand.
  10. Tiel € 2.233 per maand.

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Groningen – gemiddeld salaris € 2.468

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Groningen zijn:

  1. Kolham € 2.750 per maand.
  2. Nooitgedacht € 2.717 per maand.
  3. Sappemeer € 2.698 per maand.
  4. Zuidbroek € 2.554 per maand.
  5. Appingedam € 2.529 per maand.
  6. Musselkanaal € 2.496 per maand.
  7. Siddeburen € 2.490 per maand.
  8. Bedum € 2.463 per maand.
  9. Winsum € 2.456 per maand.
  10. Enschede € 1.906 per maand.

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Limburg – gemiddeld salaris € 2.846

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Limburg zijn:

  1. Venlo € 3.100 per maand.
  2. Roermond € 2.975 per maand.
  3. Milsbeek € 2.797 per maand.
  4. Maastricht € 2.700 per maand.
  5. Noorbeek € 2.638 per maand.
  6. Urmond € 2.581 per maand.
  7. Venlo € 2.572 per maand.
  8. Ospel € 2.537 per maand.
  9. Vaals € 2.483 per maand.
  10. Enschede € 2.253 per maand.

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Noord-Brabant – gemiddeld salaris € 2.613

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Noord-Brabant zijn:

  1. Hoogerheide € 3.000 per maand.
  2. Oosterhout € 3.000 per maand.
  3. Roosendaal € 2.900 per maand.
  4. Waalwijk € 2.850 per maand.
  5. Tilburg € 2.850 per maand.
  6. Helmond € 2.600 per maand.
  7. Breda € 2.350 per maand.
  8. Den Bosch € 2.300 per maand.
  9. Eersel € 2.300 per maand.
  10. Eindhoven € 2.000 per maand.

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Noord-Holland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.555

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Noord-Holland zijn:

  1. Velsen-Noord € 3.433 per maand.
  2. Westfriesland € 3.316 per maand.
  3. Lijnden € 3.000 per maand.
  4. Schiphol € 2.900 per maand.
  5. Oude Meer € 2.750 per maand.
  6. Hoofddorp € 2.750 per maand.
  7. Enschede € 2.253 per maand.
  8. Amsterdam Centrum € 2.150 per maand.
  9. Amsterdam Noord € 2.150 per maand.
  10. Amsterdam € 1.906 per maand.

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Overijssel – gemiddeld salaris € 2.491

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Overijssel zijn:

  1. De Bult € 2.643 per maand.
  2. Vollenhove € 2.637 per maand.
  3. Slagharen € 2.578 per maand.
  4. Ootmarsum € 2.502 per maand.
  5. Zwolle € 2.450 per maand.
  6. Denekamp € 2.447 per maand.
  7. Ijsselmuiden € 2.430 per maand.
  8. Zwartsluis € 2.430 per maand.
  9. Heino € 2.390 per maand.
  10. Enschede € 1.906 per maand.

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Utrecht – gemiddeld salaris € 2.313

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Utrecht zijn:

  1. Utrecht (Provincie) € 2.750 per maand.
  2. Stoutenburg € 2.737 per maand.
  3. Maartensdijk € 2.519 per maand.
  4. Linschoten € 2.509 per maand.
  5. Vleuten € 2.483 per maand.
  6. Leusden € 2.450 per maand.
  7. Ameide € 2.434 per maand.
  8. Nieuwegein € 2.100 per maand.
  9. Venlo € 1.950 per maand.
  10. Houten € 1.850 per maand.

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Zeeland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.392

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Zeeland zijn:

  1. Nieuwvliet-Bad € 2.547 per maand.
  2. Rilland € 2.520 per maand.
  3. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen € 2.506 per maand.
  4. Sluis € 2.483 per maand.
  5. Vlissingen € 2.480 per maand.
  6. ‘S-Gravenpolder € 2.461 per maand.
  7. Terneuzen € 2.368 per maand.
  8. Vogelwaarde € 2.306 per maand.
  9. Burgh-Haamstede € 2.300 per maand.
  10. Venlo € 1.950 per maand.

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Zuid-Holland – gemiddeld salaris € 2.509

De top betaalde steden voor customer service in Zuid-Holland zijn:

  1. Nieuwe Wetering € 2.704 per maand.
  2. Drechtsteden € 2.631 per maand.
  3. Ypenburg € 2.589 per maand.
  4. Europoort € 2.550 per maand.
  5. Pernis € 2.400 per maand.
  6. Rotterdam € 2.350 per maand.
  7. Delft € 2.250 per maand.
  8. Den Haag Centrum € 2.189 per maand.
  9. Gouda € 2.133 per maand.
  10. Gorinchem € 2.000 per maand.

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Salaris customer service per jaar, maand en uur

Bekijk je liever de salarissen voor customer service op jaarsalarissen of uurloon, dan zijn die in de onderstaande tabel te vergelijken met maandsalarissen en uitgesplitst op regio.

Drenthe€ 28.000€ 2.307€ 13,31
Flevoland€ 27.000€ 2.250€ 12,98
Friesland€ 27.000€ 2.210€ 12,75
Gelderland€ 31.000€ 2.559€ 14,76
Groningen€ 30.000€ 2.468€ 14,24
Limburg€ 34.000€ 2.846€ 16,42
Noord-Brabant€ 31.000€ 2.613€ 15,08
Noord-Holland€ 31.000€ 2.555€ 14,74
Overijssel€ 30.000€ 2.491€ 14,37
Utrecht€ 28.000€ 2.313€ 13,35
Zeeland€ 29.000€ 2.392€ 13,8
Zuid-Holland€ 30.000€ 2.509€ 14,48

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Meer salarissen voor beroepen zoals customer service

Vergelijk het salaris voor customer service met andere beroepen in de branche. Staat het beroep van je interesse er niet tussen? Gebruik dan de zoekfunctie bovenaan de pagina om jouw salaris te vinden.

Customer Service Representative€ 33.000€ 2.713€ 626€ 15,66
Customer Service Logistiek€ 31.000€ 2.621€ 605€ 15,13
Customer Service Medewerker€ 30.000€ 2.507€ 578€ 14,47
Service€ 34.000€ 2.822€ 651€ 16,28
Customer Service Agent€ 28.000€ 2.308€ 532€ 13,32
Service Engineer€ 38.000€ 3.171€ 731€ 18,3
Service Manager€ 45.000€ 3.713€ 856€ 21,42
Service Planner€ 32.000€ 2.679€ 618€ 15,46
Service Technicus€ 34.000€ 2.871€ 662€ 16,56
Service Medewerker€ 26.000€ 2.147€ 495€ 12,39
Customer Support Medewerker€ 29.000€ 2.431€ 561€ 14,03
Field Service Engineer€ 39.000€ 3.213€ 741€ 18,54
Service Coördinator€ 37.000€ 3.045€ 702€ 17,57
Service Monteur€ 33.000€ 2.788€ 643€ 16,09
Customer Executive€ 32.000€ 2.700€ 623€ 15,58
Allround Service Monteur€ 32.000€ 2.661€ 614€ 15,35
Service Coördinator Installatiebedrijf€ 35.000€ 2.950€ 680€ 17,02
Customer Success Manager€ 40.000€ 3.370€ 777€ 19,45
Customer Care Medewerker€ 29.000€ 2.401€ 554€ 13,85
Service Coördinator Bouwbedrijf€ 52.000€ 4.350€ 1.003€ 25,1
Sales Development Representative€ 36.000€ 3.012€ 695€ 17,38
Bouwkundig Service Coördinator€ 36.000€ 3.000€ 692€ 17,31
Support Medewerker€ 29.000€ 2.422€ 559€ 13,98
Sales Engineer€ 42.000€ 3.495€ 806€ 20,17
Inside Sales Representative€ 33.000€ 2.777€ 640€ 16,02

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Salaris Customer Service | 2024 Update (2025)


How much do Belgians earn in dollars? ›

Belgians earn USD 54 327 per year on average, more than the OECD average of USD 49 165. Another essential factor of employment quality is job security, in terms of expected loss of earnings when someone becomes unemployed.

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The estimated salary for a senior Game Designer is 35,000 EUR per year at Spain as in 2024. These numbers represent the Percentile 75th, from our salary data collected from labor market.

Are salaries high in Belgium? ›

On average, the gross monthly income in Belgium varied between 2,800 and 5,800 euros in 2021. The amount earned depended on the level of education. Indeed, the higher the education, the higher the average salary. However, only a small share of Belgians thought their salaries were in line with their qualifications.

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What Is The Average Salary For Airline Pilots? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, the average salary of an airline pilot, co-pilot or flight engineer is $202,180. The average wage for a commercial pilot is $99,640 (last updated October 2022).

Is 2500 euro a good salary in Belgium? ›

The average netto income in Belgium is around 2200€ net and the median wage is between 1800 and 2000€ net. So with 2500€ net you have an income seriously above the 'normal' belgian.

Is 4000 euro a good salary in Belgium? ›

According to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,500 to live comfortably in Ghent while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,000 per month.

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The average annual C++ game developer salary:
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What is the highest paying job in game design? ›

High Paying Game Designer Jobs
  • Game Artist. Salary range: $79,000-$170,500 per year. ...
  • Lead Game Designer. Salary range: $134,500-$167,000 per year. ...
  • Lead Level Designer. Salary range: $74,500-$157,500 per year. ...
  • Senior Game Designer. Salary range: $107,000-$150,000 per year. ...
  • Video Game Producer. ...
  • Level Designer.

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Wages typically start from $47,350 and go up to $172,094.

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To cover your living expenses in Belgium you will need around €1,000 to €1,350 per month. This estimate includes study materials, housing costs (rent, heating, water, electricity, etc.), food, clothing, laundry, medical & insurance costs, and other expenses — e.g. leisure, groceries, transport, etc.

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Key Findings. On average, an individual needs $96,500 for sustainable comfort in a major U.S. city.

What is the most common job in Belgium? ›

340,000 people work as office clerk in 2023. This job leads the ranking of most common occupations for both men and women.

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Breakdown of FedEx Pilot Salary

The FedEx pilot salary varies significantly between the first officer and the captain. For a first officer, the salary in the first year is approximately $75,000. This figure increases to around $165,000 by the fifth year, and by the fifteenth year, it can reach up to $203,000.

Can pilots make 300k a year? ›

Do pilots make 300k a year? Most pilots earn around $123,250 on average per year, with some making up to or around $200,000 a year. Some pilots do make $300,000 or more depending on whom they fly for and what experience they have.

Do pilots make more than doctors? ›

Commercial pilot pay is on par with doctors, lawyers, engineers, according to a Southern California flight school.

What is the average income per person in Belgium? ›

Between 2007 and 2021, the average monthly income in Belgium increased year on year. In 2007, a person in Belgium on average had a salary of 2,837 euros per month. By 2021, employees on average earned over 3,886 euros monthly.

What is Belgium's basic salary? ›

Since the last indexation in December 2022, the national minimum wage in Belgium has stood at €1,954.99 per month, or an equivalent hourly rate, depending on the number of weekly working hours and assuming an average of 4.33 weeks per month: 38 hours: €11.87 per hour. 39 hours: €11.57 per hour. 40 hours: €11.29 per ...

What is Belgium per capita income in dollars? ›

The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Belgium was last recorded at 44283.21 US dollars in 2023. The GDP per Capita in Belgium is equivalent to 351 percent of the world's average.

How much is 100 Belgian francs worth in dollars? ›

Convert Belgian Franc to US Dollar
100 BEF2.70538 USD
500 BEF13.5269 USD
1,000 BEF27.0538 USD
5,000 BEF135.269 USD
6 more rows


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.